Find Your Own Sacred Sound
Connect to your own divinity with the most powerful sound current of all - your voice. Open your throat chakra, and expand your vocal range with professional singer and songwriter, Rudy Saravia
Step in to your vibration by projecting your sound current from the chakras - be heard and felt at a distance.
Connecting your breath to your voice allows you to powerfully and comfortably infuse your sound current with energy.
Increase the width and clarity of your vocal range and allow yourself to expand your connection to the divine through sound.
One on One Sessions
Rudy is a professional singer and songwriter who has a passion for his art. Over many years, he has curated a series of techniques focusing on the voice that opens and expands both physically and spiritually. Join Rudy for a single, or series of lessons that aim to support the expansion of your own sacred sound current. Each 30 minute lesson includes:
1:1 Instruction
Diaphragmatic Breathing Techniques
Physical Manipulation Techniques
Curated Exercises to Expand Vocal Range and Clarity
Single Sessions are $33/30 Min, Class Series begin at $30/30 Min
Click below to request more information or to schedule your appointment.